Hosting AML Ultimate Goal Virtual Showcase #2

Our team participated and attended the first AML Ultimate Goal Virtual Showcase.  The AML Leadership Committee wanted to bring together AML teams in this time of remoteness by holding an interactive ZOOM for all AML Teams.  Teams were asked to provide a one-minute video of our team and a video of our robot’s best run match from Meet #1.

This AML Virtual Showcase provided a forum for AML teams to collaborate, support, and compete, and our team thought we could take it even further as the season continued. So, we proposed to the AML Leadership Committee a different approach to the showcase using Twitch.  Using this forum and Discord, we hosted and presented the second virtual showcase, in mock match-up format to simulate the in-person formats we all were so missing.

We had 13 teams participate by sending in their best runs from Meet #3 and live interviews with members from the different teams.  We presented awards and even presented trophies that were designed by 5th Graders in an eariler outreach we did with a local school.

Our twitch event can be viewed on